Once you've altered the presentation state of an image by windowing, zooming, panning, adding annotations, etc., you may want to capture the state of the image and store it along with the study so it can be recalled later or reviewed by someone else. To create a Key Image:
1. | Set the presentation state exactly as you want it to look were it to be recalled. Pay particular attention to the zoom and pan. The visible region of the image is stored as well, so you may want to focus in on something in particular, making it as large as possible. |
2. | On the main toolbar, click Create Key Image, or simply hit the Space Bar. |
3. | If the key image was created successfully, you should see the Create Key Image icon "flash up" in the image for a brief moment. The Key Images shelf will also automatically open. |
IMPORTANT: Note that key images are published automatically when the viewer workspace is closed, so it is necessary to review them before closing the viewer.
ClearCanvas Workstation, Personal - User's Guide
© 2005-2015 Synaptive Medical