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ClearCanvas ImageServer v.2.0

Part of the ClearCanvas RIS/PACS


ClearCanvas Inc.

439 University Ave., Suite 1920

Toronto, ON  M5G 1Y8






The ClearCanvas ImageServer is a DICOM Compliant open source PACS server and archive that includes the following features:

Support for the storage and retrieval of a wide range of DICOM storage objects.
A sophisticated rules engine that allows for the scheduling of various disk management activities and auto-routing of DICOM studies
Support for partitioning to segment data.
Support for multiple filesystems for storage of online DICOM studies.
Lossless and lossy compression of online studies using RLE or standard JPEG compression.
Support for archival of studies to HSM style archives (such as the EMC DiskXtender software or Sun StorageTek QFS / SAM software) with the ability to function as a temporary cache or a standard archive. The rules engine can be used to determine which studies will be saved to the archive, and which can be deleted.
Support for a single user login, which is set at installation time.


ClearCanvas also offers several proprietary plugins to the ImageServer that add additional features. These value-added plugins add the following features to the ImageServer:

Support for JPEG 2000 compression and decompression utilizing the Accusoft Pegasus PicTools library.
Support for audit trail logging to a centralized server through the ClearCanvas Enterprise Server.
Centralized authorization and authentication support with multiple user logins and authority tokens and groups through the ClearCanvas Enterprise Server.
Support for clustering of servers for handling of increased load.
Shared logins with the ClearCanvas Workstation and RIS through the ClearCanvas Enterprise Server.


The diagram below shows the ImageServer in the larger context of the ClearCanvas RIS/PACS: